STEP 2 - Scan QR ETH address from charger and send 0.001 for 60 minutes charging.
STEP 3 - Wait for charger to start and then plug it into your EV.
STEP 1 – Open any of yours ETH wallets (STATUS, Revolut, BitPanda, Binance, Kraken..)
STEP 2 – Scan QR ETH address from charger and send 0.001 for 60 minutes charging.
STEP 3 – Wait for charger to start and then plug it into your EV.
Charger price is declared by the owner who installed charger and WATTControler, minimum fix payment price is 0.001 Ethereum and output time can vary from 50 - 90 minutes depending on ETH price, electricity price and charger owner will to offer you best price and charging time. Which again are declared by charger owner. Click on WATTCheck link in MENU
You are private person and want to earn money by selling charging?
Use our WATTChain BlackBox controler, install in existing Type2 charger or even outlet socket and sell your electicity with automated system, without fee or creditcard terminals and without need to open company to sell time on EV charging station.

EV Charge is getting complicated, lets simplify
Charger is controled by ETH blockchain wallet, we are not owners of your wallet. Charger owner is owner of the wallet. No middle man.

accessible chargers provide the power for free
Any power source can be monetised. Home outlet, offgrid solar facility, existing type2 chargers…
What Our Happy Clients Say about us
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Become Our Partner or Host the charging Station
Brief Introduction for You
You order WATTChain controler, implement into existing Type2 wallcharger. You setup your wallet address and WIFI settings inside our cotroler and you can release charger to public.
What Is Different with our solution
Your receive payments directly, no bank terminals or fees, no need to open company to charge EV charging session. Charger is fully controler by ETH blockchain and our server check balance increase.
Im Intrested To Open Charging Mindset
It is time to make it simple and available for everyone.
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